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Hollywood HD

Hollywood is at your home!

TV channel description

Hollywood HD channel brings a flavour of Hollywood into your home - a variety of feature films from leading Hollywood studios in high-definition quality: from the movies that have become classics to the latest blockbusters.

Hollywood HD broadcasts films by acclaimed contemporary directors such as Woody Allen and Mel Gibson, and movies featuring Oscar-winning Hollywood stars: Meryl Streep, Sylvester Stallone, Julia Roberts, Colin Firth, Javier Bardem and other famous actors.

Technical specifications

Eutelsat 36B / Transponder: 22 / DVB-S2 / Modulation: 8PSK / Frequency: 12 130,26 MHz / Polarisation round right (vertical) / Simbol rate: 27,5 Msym/s / FEC ¾ / MPEG-4