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Bollywood HD


TV channel description

Welcome to the colorful and explosive world of Hindi cinema a.k.a. Bollywood! Bollywood HD delivers spectacular Bollywood movies with captivating and diverse storylines and legendary actors.

With lots of action, drama, over the top costumes, music and dancing, Bollywood HD is your ultimate entertaining destination.

Technical specifications

  1. ABS-2, 75 E / Transponder 21 / Downlink freq 11973 / Polarization vertical linear/ Simbol rate 45.0 Msym/s / Fec 2/3 / DVB-S2 / MPEG-4 / 8 PSK / Encoding: IRDETO 2 (HD version)
  2. Express-АТ1 (56º) / Transponder 24 / Frequency 12168,62МГц / Поляризация: Polarisation round right / Simbol rate 27,5 Msym/s / FEC ¾ / MPEG-4 (SD version)
  3. Eutelesat 36B / Transponder 20 / Frequency 12091,90 MHz / Polarisation round right / Simbol rate 27,5 Msym/s / FEC ¾ / DVB-S2 8PSK / MPEG-4 (SD version)
  4. Express-АТ2 (140º East) / Transponder 31 / Frequency 12302,88 MHz / Pol = L DVB-S2; 8PSK; FEC ¾ Simbol rate 27.5 Msym/s (SD version)