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BBC World News

Living the story

TV channel description

BBC World News is your trusted source of breaking news and latest events happening across the globe.

The channel provides hourly bulletins with news, business, sport and weather information, and broadcasts the best of the BBC’s current affairs, documentary and lifestyle programming.

Technical specifications

  1. Eutelesat Hotbird 13 East / Transponder 94 / Central frequency 12597 MHz / Polarisation vertical / Flowrate 27500 / FEC ¾ / MPEG-4 (SD)
  2. Eutelesat 36B / Transponder: 20 / Frequency 12091,90 / Polarisation round right / Symbol rate (SR): 27.5 Msym/sec / FEC ¾ / DVB-S2 8PSK / MPEG-4 (SD)
  3. Astra 1KR 19 East / Transponder: 1,002 / Frequency 11229/00MHz / Polarisation vertical / Flowrate 22000 Msym/sec / FEC 2/3 / Encoding: DVB-S2 8PSK (HD)


24-hours / Language: english