English Club TV
TV-channel that helps learning English in an effective way
TV channel description
Made in Great Britain, English Club TV is a unique edutaining channel for those who want to learn and improve their English. Watching English Club TV for 15 minutes a day will teach viewers 2000 new words and 100 grammar structures a year.
British and American English programs are hosted by native speakers. The innovative programmes are designed for viewers of different interests and language skills to make learning English enjoyable. Short lessons for better retention and memorization, effective teaching methods and lots of captivating TV shows, interesting movies for positive approach, motivation, and inspiration.
Learning English has never been such fun before! English Club TV is your key to success in business and in everyday life.
Technical specifications
- Satellite - Astra 4A at 4.8 E / Transponder - В36 / Frequency - 12399 V / Flowrate - 27500 / FEC ¾ / Encoding - Viaccess 4.0 / DVB-S MPEG-2 / SID 7380, VPID 7381 / APID 7382 Russian (SD version)
- Measat 3A (91.4º E) / Transponder - 12 / Frequency - 4165 MHz / Polarisation - horizontal (H) / Symbol rate - 20,64 Msym/s / FEC ¾ / No Encoding / Audio pid 3008 (SD version)
- Astra 4A 4.8º / Transponder В19 / Frequency 12398 MHz / Polarisation V / Shift keying 27,5 Msym/s / FEC ¾ / Encoding Viaccess 4.0 (HD version)